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Honeysong Purple Stokes Aster

Honeysong Purple Stokes Aster is a stunning perennial grown in zones 4-8. It produces beautiful"," long-lasting flowers that are perfect for any garden.

$80.49 $178.86
1 Gallon

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Bloom color : Royal Purple

Bloom time - June

Height - 1.5-2 ft

Width - 1.5-2 ft

Hardiness zone- 5-9 Part

Full sun


The Aster Honeysong Purple, 'Stokesia laevis', has leathery, strap-like leaves that form a clump at the base with huge, true royal-purple, Daisy-like flowers with a hint of red at the end of the stem. The fringed, fine petaled flowers bloom from July until frost. But until frost, enjoy the pollinators and butterflies it draws to your landscape! This Aster is an exciting introduction from the late Hosta guru, Alex Summers and his son, Alan, of the former Carroll Gardens. Stokesia 'Honeysong Purple' boasts large, vivid, dark-purple flowers with a contrasting reddish-pink center on a nice, compact grower. This is truly one of the most stunning colored Stokesia on the market! 'Honeysong Purple' Asters will do best in well-drained soil, and a full sun area with morning shade; should not stay wet while in dormancy. This Aster is wonderful for summer color in beds, borders or containers, perennial and cottage gardens, and it makes a beautiful vase of lovely cut flowers. Deadhead after the first initial flowering in order to increase bloom time.

Note: The plant is shipped in its pot, firmly secured with several layers of clear tape, thereby avoiding any shuffling and moving during transit. The plant reaches you with minimal damage- very safe and secure. We have been shipping plants like this for several years (plant are sometimes shipped in smaller pots for safety and ease of shipping). Most plants go dormant in fall and winter and will lose most of their leaves - looking dead and dry - very normal. They will flush out in spring. We cannot send ship some plants and some sizes to California due to restrictions placed by department of agriculture."

Growing Zones: 5-9

Mature Height: 1.5 to 2 Feet
Sunlight: Full Sun
Mature width: 1.5 to 2 Feet
Botanical Name: Stokesia laevis 'Honeysong Purple'
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